Right now, I am creating this image display with text in an article editor that is exactly like the one in the image below.  Just typing in my text, inserting the image, making any type of adjustments I want to font, color, layout, bullet lists, adding tables, spell checking, creating links...all from this very recognizable editing window.  No code...just text.  This is how you can manage your site...instantly!

Use this form to ask whatever question you would like! We will try to respond within 24 hours! Thanks so much for your interest in the Cool Tool Music School!





Welcome to the New Admagination

Admagination has been in the creative business since 1992!  We had a vision of being able to provide custom jingle packages to clients that really wanted to "cut through the clutter" of typical radio and TV advertising.  
As a matter of fact, one of the most knowledgable and creative guys in the radio business joined with us in the launching of Admagination and helped us really learn the business side of the business!  He instinctivly knew that simple slogans like ours were what caught peoples attention.  His mentoring was simple: how can you expect someone to  trust that you can promote their business if you can't promote yourself?  Thus came our first audio informercial for ourselves called:
"Who Are These Guys?
(Tom Frazee / Nancy Roche / Terry Tario / Randy Quigley)

Admagination Studios: Ahead of the Curve Since 1992

Admagination Studios formally launched in 1992 in Boise, Idaho...starting the beginning of 2 decades of providing creative services for broadcasters, advertisers, event producers, dance studios, web designs, festivals, schools...the list includes anything and anyone that we can say "we booted up the studio today to make music"
  • We had the first commercial internet site in Idaho hosted at Micron
  • We were the first studio to output client projects to CD
  • We were the first to use computer based digital audio and MIDI software for recording
  • We did a real-time vocal recording session over the internet...dial up!  In 1994!
  • We have over 300 jingle packages across the US and Canada in over 45 markets
  • Combined (and estimated) our productions have over 300,000 airplays a year

Our packages are affordable, custom productions designed to fit with whatever project comes to us.  We are constantly creating great package deals that help broadcasters gain new clients, get more air buys from existing clients and drive sales for their product, service or event.  Read a couple of letters of results...just click on the logo below