Admagination's Educational Mission :
“To create a collaborative educational environment that nurtures divergent thinking, creative excellence and real-world expertise, enabling students to succeed in today’s contemporary music industry.”
We believe that the work we are doing is valuable, purposeful and needed in the world of education today. Look through are site. Does it resonate with you? Let us know how we can serve you.
Audio: We approach every project that involves the studio using every bit of creativity that we have learned over a lifetime of diverse experiences. Whether it's a jingle, a custom song for a cause, editing...anything the involves a musical product at the end gets our full skill-set.
Education: Education is now the most expensive investment you can make. Overnight, student loans have doubled as of July 1. Of course, our representatives will come up with a patch, but at a debt load of over 1 trillion dollars, it is the "next thing to big to fail". Education does not have to be expensive. It also does not have to be spread out over 4 years. We only want to bring what we know and do to others, but we hope that we can make a difference in the overall system. The time is now.
Website: Technology has made it so the end user can put together exactly what they need to function in the web. There is still plenty of room for advance coding, server based systems analyists...but at the level the end user needs, it's affordable, manageable and can work for you at 100% efficiency. we want to create websites that the end-user can manage themselves.
Event Production: We are, and we are not A/V. We are the creative team you will want to make your next event a homerun. We provide equipment...high end, large scale video, audio, lights, staging and sets simply to support our creative product we've designed for you. Want a room full of equipment with a crew to run it...i'll send you a list of great people. Want a company that will dream big and pull it off at an affordable budget...call us