Why Code...When You Can Just Create!
We are what is considered web end-users. The focus of developing sites is approached not as technical developers (although we have studied for years) looking for a site to build, but from the perspective of the client and what is needed to make the site function, and then fulfill that need. We have found in 10 years of using server-side CMS* (Content Management Systems) that we can access over 7,000 scripts that will do ANYTHING. See below:
- Media Streaming
- Social Networking Interfacing
- Forms / data collection
- Client log in areas
- eCommerce with stores and payment portals
- Any type of eye candy you could image
- News feeds
- Syndicated Feeds
- Front end administrative editing of ALL content
- LMS / Learning Management Systems for on-line education and training
- ...hundreds of other applications, for little or no cost
Once we set up the site, you become your own webmaster. If you can edit a Word document, you can manage 90% of your sites look and content without a single phone call out to a time-gobbling coding monster. Click on the Read More button below to see just a few sites we have built. all are being updated by the client and it only took about 1 hour to train them. We are always only a phone call away for any issues
*Aside from our one-time set up fee, we require you to purchase a 1,2 or 3 year hosting plan with AceNet, the best server / support company ever. They have the free scripts you need and massive server resources along with 24 / 7 / 365 tech support. We've been with them exclusively for 10 years
Client: Montana State Broadcasters Association
- Site Name: www.mediasharz.com (click here for actual site)
- Purpose: To allow broadcasters all over Montana to access grant funded independant productions as well as NCSA PSA productions
- Special Sauce: All forms of media can be shared: video, audio, images and documents
- Features: HTML5 Media streaming. Media networking. Several levels of security. YouTube style playlists, favorites most watched
Client: NASBA / NAB State Broadcasters Associations
- Site Name: www.bestinmedia.com (click here for actual site)
- Purpose: Creates a complete broadcasting and publishing awards site that handles: media upload and conversion, database management, judging access and results reporting. plus it makes the files avaiable for the awards show. Currently have 24 states and / or organizations
- Special Sauce: Every thing is on line under one "roof"
- Features: HTML5 Media streaming. Media networking. Several levels of security. YouTube style playlists, favorites most watched. Advance entry forms with invoice or PayPal integrations
Client: IFEA / International Festivals & Events Association
- Site Name: www.ifea.com (click here for actual site)
- Purpose: The website is the center of all information for this global association. It has a membership module, newsfeeds from several global sources, webinar as well as a full range of membership services and sCommerce
- Special Sauce: Other than media streaming...this site has it all. It uses Community Builder as the main membership engine
- Features: Several levels on information content. Bookstore and interactive webinar features as well as a powerful sponsorship banner function. Lots of eye-candy
Other sites:
- 2 Perfect Health / Doctor Regan Golob (underdevelopment)
- Idaho State Broadcasters Association
- Toto Zara: World Music Guitarist (under development)
- Mittleider Event: Top level equestrian training, breeding & boarding
...and of course this site