Media Optimized Web Solutions for the End User

First:  This is not you!!!  Not if you come to us first!  With a technology that moves at lightspeed, it's not suprising that it is constantly changing at the speed of light!  Everyones in the game:  Telco's, cable, wireless, satcom's, copper, lightpipe, microwave, broadcast.  It's all about the end game:  Get more data from point A to point B with the best quality, the least latency, the fastest stream to the most amount of people.

We have focused on being end-users that have picked through the mountains of applications, scripts, codecs, content management systems (CMS) server be able to acheive one thing: simple, easy to use media optimized web services that apply to the average end-user.  

Using the internet as a tool is a make or break for a lot of businesses.  It shouldn't take multiple calls to your IT / webmaster to change an image or update an article.  You shouldn't need expensive software that requires a intensive skill-set.  If you can use Excel, Word, know how to copy and paste, have a basic image editor and an internet're ready for Admagination Web Services to open up the on-line world for you.  We do not want to be your webmasters.  We want to design a site that has every "simple" to "advanced function" your require, train you for about 2 hours...and turn you lose to control your own is that simple.  We are always here for the tough stuff